Friday, March 9, 2012

Celebrating Life on our 27th Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday our grandson Bradley was born and we were on an emotional high!  At about 7 p.m. we got a phone call that shook our dear father in law had collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital...the same hospital that Bradley had just been born at that morning.  They suspected a heart attack.  Jeff and I quickly made some calls, got our hanai son Ben to come up and take care of the animals for us and called our employers to tell them Jeff would not be in that night or me the next morning.  Many tests and hours later, while sitting in the emergency room waiting room we learned that Papa had a cluster of blood clots in his lung and several other floating around also.  They admitted him and moved him upstairs and got him on blood thinners and oxygen.
Jeff and I came home and looked at each other, it was shortly after midnight so we wished each other a Happy Anniversary and went to sleep.

Today we spent our Anniversary celebrating LIFE!!!  We went into the hospital to spend time with some of the people that are most precious to us...our family.  Jeff and I both got to hold and cuddle with our grandson Bradley and learned that Nana, Aunt Gayle, Uncle Matt and Ella had also been in earlier to meet and cuddle with our little guy.  I think we all needed that after the scare we had last night.  We were then off to go upstairs and spend time with Papa and remind him that he needed to get well so he could meet his great grandson who was downstairs waiting for him. ;)  Papa seemed anxious to do just that and Nana was so happy that she got to have time with her great grandson a bit earlier.  What a blessing that Bradley and Papa are in the same hospital so that we can all visit them both and be reminded of just how precious life is...

I know this may sound strange but in some ways this is the best Anniversary ever for Jeff and I.  Yes, it was spent at the hospital but we were there with the people that we love.  We have so much to be thankful for...a precious new life with our grandson Bradley and the continuation of a precious life with my dear father in law.  Life is a gift and we have so much to be thankful for! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Debs, I'd like to nominate you for a Liebster Blogging Award ... come to my blog to read about it ...


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