Sunday, May 27, 2012

Our Home is Still the Gathering Place

 Even though our children are now all grown and have their own homes, they and their friends always seem to find their way back home to us to get together and have a great time. :)  Our oldest son, Jaysn, came out for lunch and to have his dad help him try to do some repairs on his car.  They got caught in a rain and hail storm and right at the tail end of it, our hanai sons, Ben and Lee, pulled up.  As soon as I saw my boys I made a bee line for the kitchen and got a family sized pan of brownies going for everyone to share.  Soon the living room was filled with laughter as my husband and the boys challenged each other to various pinball games on the Xbox.  These kids just crack me up.  Xbox is on, computer is on and texting on the cell phone all going on at the same time.  I really enjoy having our home filled with family, love and laughter and am so glad that everyone still wants to come "home".

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you have great taste in dresses!

    This one was exactly what I was looking for as the jacket was thin enough for the hot weather but still covered a flabby middle. ;)


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