Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bad Judgement and We, the Taxpayers, Paying for "School Trips".

Yes, I once again am on my soapbox and sounding off.  And yes, once again, I ask that you be kind if you choose to comment. You may not agree with me and that is fine, we are all entitled to our own opinions and we can all learn from one another.  :)  

It has been in the news recently that Malia Obama is on a school trip to Mexico.  I'm sure that her parents, like the other parents who allowed their children to go on this trip had to pay for their hotel rooms, food, etc..  But, unlike the other students, Malia's going on this trip brought up additional costs that we, the taxpayers, are paying for.  Before I get into that though, does anyone else feel like this trip was a bad idea in the first place since the State Department had issued a travel warning about violence and such in Mexico and advised people NOT to travel there? Did the president and first lady think it was wise to send their daughter down to a country where people are kidnapped and held for ransom and even killed if their families have money or political power?  Did they ever think that not only could their daughter be in danger but her presence could potentially be putting all those other kids in danger also (I question the judgement of those parents for allowing their children to go)? Not only has the Mexican media reported that they are there but also named the hotel they are staying at and published pictures of Malia and some of her classmates. The American media also followed with this same information.  And God forbid anyone even question or comment to the media about why the president allowed his daughter to go.  Anyone who has is crucified and is told that the children are "hands off".  Well I did not see anyone criticizing the children, they were just the questioning the parents who in my opinion (and it seems the opinion of many others), are not using good judgement at all.

Anyway, onto the taxpayers footing part of the bill.  First of all, Malia was sent down there with 25 Secret Service and Marines.  It has also been reported in the news that the local police in that area were also having to help with security at the hotel the group is staying at and at all the local sites they are visiting.  We, as the taxpayers, are having to pay for those police officers time.  As for the 25 Secret Service agents, we are paying for their time, transportation, food and lodging while they are there.  There is also the additional costs of vehicle rentals (and I am pretty sure they would also have to have a "hard car" for Malia to ride in), gas, etc.. Honestly, it makes me angry and disgusted that in a time of huge budget deficits, unemployment and government spending cuts to necessary things like schools, Social Security for our seniors that have worked so hard all their lives and contributed to the Social Security system for all those years with the promise that they would be taken care of in their old age, money for food programs in the United States to feed our own hungry, etc. that we would be paying for a school trip to Mexico for the president's daughter.  It is my opinion that this is irresponsible behavior on the part of the president and a slap in the face to the taxpayers.

I realize by writing this and posting it that I am putting myself on the "radar" of our government but according to what they are already looking out for since I am conservative, home schooled my kids and trying to get out of debt and pay off my credit cards and not use them but use cash when possible, I am already on it. ;)

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