Monday, October 30, 2023

Frugal Friday Wrap Up 10/27/23


      Well the killing frost hit and our temperatures plummeted into the high teens here at night according to my outside thermometer.  Our outdoor cat Ginny still prefers being outside so are doing all we can to make sure she has a safe and warm place to retreat to.  I got my Winter jammies out, along with all my sweatshirts, wool socks, winter coats and gloves.  Jeff got the cars ready for the cold months too.  The fleece blanket went back on our bed this week and the cats are loving it!  I frequently have both cats snuggled up either upon me or right by my side out in the living room.  The pellet stove is also turning on more often and I am really enjoying the warmth and ambience of it.  Below are a few of the things that we have been doing this past week while trying to be frugal...

~Jeff and I got all the tomatoes and pears picked since our temperatures are going to be plummeting below freezing.

~Jeff worked Saturday and brought home some popcorn from the popcorn machine at the end of the day.

~We watched 2 more of the Harry Potter movies over the weekend.

~I placed an order for more vitamins and supplements from Vitacost.  I used coupons to get it even cheaper.

~We had a lovely facetime visit with Lauren, Tate and Peyton on Sunday.  Tate had so much to tell us! :)  I am so proud of Lauren or holding down the fort while Josh is on deployment.

~We have been able to facetime with Josh also and it really helps calm my nerves.

~I got Josh's package mailed off to him.  I sent it priority mail and got the military discount since I was sending it overseas to him on deployment.

~I harvested herbs and green onions from the garden before the killing frost hit them.

~Jeff stopped by Safeway to get the pizzas that were on sale and to get a replacement on a block of cheese that went moldy before it was opened and way before it's use by date.

~A quick dinner was thrown together of Sloppy Joes (made with venison given to us by Chris and Heather) and pears from our garden on Monday night.

~I cut up an old and ratty fleece bathroom and made soft and cozy "cat blankets" with it for our outdoor cat Ginny to snuggle with in her cat house that Jeff made her.  Ginny prefers being an outdoor cat and would be unhappy having to live inside.  She is the cat that showed up and adopted us.

~I used the sleeves and pockets of the bathroom that I cut up as dusting cloths.

~Tuesday was a bad Fibro flare day for me with high anxiety and a headache.  I had to cancel our dinner plans with Chris, Heather and the boys.  Jeff offered to bring home dinner for us but I politely decline his generous offer.

~Wednesday, I uploaded digital coupons to my Safeway card and made a list.

~I made 2 loaves of bread and a double batch of long fermented sourdough and cheddar cheese crackers (this was an experiment that went exceptionally well.)

~More tomatoes were sorted and lots were frozen to make sauce with later.

~I went through the squash and took out the bad ones.  I planted way too many plants this year and they got a little out of hand.  Our compost bin now has another addition to go with all the used coffee grounds.

~I found a few blackberries and raspberries.  Oh were they ever good!

~We were in need of comfort food on Friday night so I made homemade Biscuits and Gravy.  Jeff was a very happy man!  We even had leftovers.

~We've had a visit from a momma moose and her yearling.  We look forward to seeing the moose every year as they come down into town to eat the apples and pears that are left on trees or have fallen to the ground.

   My prayer for all reading this is that you are staying warm, safe and are stocked up.  The world seems to have gone completely crazy and I am appalled at the antisemitic rhetoric and the actual threats to harm or kill Jewish people around the world. A branch of my family is Jewish and I am glad that they are no longer around to see this all playing out as I am sure it would break their hearts.  My heart aches for the hostages taken by Hamas and their families and for the families of those who were so brutally slaughtered.  I am also appalled and my heart aches for the innocent Palestinians who are being used as pawns and human shields in this twisted war that Hamas brought on.  We are witnessing pure evil.  I feel a deep heaviness in my heart and am always on the edge of my "fight or flight response".  I worry about our service men and women in the Middle East and the attacks on our bases there.  My son has to put on body armor just to go from one building to another or anytime he steps outside.  That is not comforting to a mother who already has some pretty severe anxiety issues.  I do pray for God's protection over ALL our servicemen and women and I do put my trust in Him, but it is still hard.  For all the other parents out there who might have kids serving there, you are also in my prayers.


  1. Sounds like you have had a nice frugal week and are ready for the colder weather! I just had my gas heater checked and serviced and I think I will be putting the flannel sheets and another blanket on the bed! It is nice and warm outside, but my house is cold and I feel cold all the time!

    1. I'm glad you got your gas heater checked. That is so important. I need to get the flannel sheets on our guest bed. There are times when I retreat to that bed if I am having a rough night.

  2. Our night time temps have dipped. Two nights ago, puppy girl came up on the bed and I covered her with a fleece throw. Now - understand that none of my previous goldens tolerated being covered up. Her? A very contented sigh. LOL.

    I've reduced the amount of time I spend watching the news on tv or on line. I'm so thankful that God brought me here and provided for my new apartment now close to friends and family. I do what I can to build up my pantry. And started getting my garden going - the landscape fabric and hardware cloth are down. Next up is to build the kit garden beds. All in 12 minute increments using my timer. And since I don't stop when the timer goes off, it works out to about 15 minutes at a time. LOL.
    Take good care of yourself. Sending hugs and prayers.
    SJ now in California
    ps one of the ladies at the dogpark has a friend with ME/CFS and she's open to putting us in touch with each other. I'm thrilled.

  3. Prayers for YOU, Mama, during your son’s deployment. During some of our son’s stints in Afghanistan, I felt that I did not breathe for months. SO thankful for the awesome young ‘warrior wives’ who carry on at home (with littles!) while their men serve! Blessings on your sweet family, conni

  4. We will be having our first cold weather here in Ga starting tonight. We are expecting low 30's at night and 50's and 60's for a couple days. By Sunday we should be back to warmer weather so no putting on heavy blankets at this point. Who knows by the end of next week we could be back in the 80's. Living in the South it is a day to day never knowing what the weather will be but it is the only life I've ever known. I limit my news watching as I will get stressed and depressed which isn't could for my health. I am glad to see that our administration is standing behind Israel as I wasn't too sure about the current administration. I pray daily for our military and their families.

  5. I can't imagine how afraid you are for your son.
    I'm sorry he's in harms way.
    But I am thankful that the man you raised
    would leave his family and home to protect innocent women and children.
    That says a lot about the kind of man you
    have brought up.
    I am praying for him and all of our military's safety.
    We are living in perilous times.
    I never thought I'd live to see students
    saying they are going to follow Jewish people home and cut their throats on American soil.
    I also have Jewish family members.
    I don't recognize our country anymore.
    But we must remember that God's people
    are here.
    We go about our lives quietly without fanfare.
    We donate food to food banks.
    We cut our elderly neighbors grass
    and drive them to doctors appointments.
    We stop and help each other with a flat tire. We donate time and money to
    Just small things but they make a difference in the lives of others.
    I won't let evil people change me.
    We are all praying for your family.

  6. I would be tied up in anxiety if my kid was over there. I remember when my son was deployed the two times to the Persian gulf. My husband being retired military and my son, kept me in the dark as to how dangerous his job on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier was. Here I am, thinking, he's in the Navy and nothing could happen to him. It was only afterwards, when he told me he got extra pay for hazard duty, how he was caught in the back blow of an F-14 and to this day has slight tinnitus from it - the time they were playing football and another guy fell off the aircraft carrier (which the recruiter said NEVER HAPPENS) and they never found him. Oh so much. Fortunately he wasn't a soldier and for that I was grateful. I remember how much fun I had sending him packages. Back then we couldn't talk to him and all emails were censored. The Carrier group kept us parents without information - and would only allow bits and pieces. The old saying, Loose Lips sink ships. I'm glad those days are over. He is 39 now but he looks back at those times as the best. Crazy, I sure don't.
    Prayers to your family and your son and all of our guys and gals there in the bases. Yes, troubling times, around the world with blatant and unashamedly anti-Semitism. Just plain EVIL>


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