Thursday, December 15, 2016

Snowy Day at Home

   I'm enjoying a much needed and quiet day at home.  Things have been crazy busy lately and desperately needed a "down day" to recharge before I burn out. I have Christmas carols softly playing the the background and the dog and cat are staying close to me and to the pellet stove that is putting out a toasty warm heat.

   I started out my day with a nice hot cup of coffee in one of my favorite Christmas mugs.  When I looked down, I noticed it matched my soft and cozy flannel jammies and decided that was a "sign" that I should just stay in them all day. 😉

      I let the dog out into the back yard and was greeted with snow and ice blanketing the trees.  I settle back on the couch and took in this view out the front.

   I love the way the icicles kind of frame the top of my view.  And yes, it really is that dark outside in the middle of the day here right now.

   I was craving comfort food so I went and pulled some frozen artichoke and cheese raviolis out of the big chest freezer in the garage.  I made a simple butter, lemon and garlic sauce to go with it.  I had 2 servings of this and still have enough for another helping later tonight.

   I've been running my Swagbucks point program today trying to make up for the weeks that it was not working correctly.  I need to get more gift cards in order to stock up on those after Christmas sale you know. 😀  That is about as ambitious as I have been.  There is still laundry to fold, Christmas cards to write and address and presents to wrap, but that may have to wait until tomorrow.  Right now I have Doofy curled up sleeping in my lap and he and I are both enjoying the mutual warmth.   Life is good on this cold and snowy day.


  1. So fun to find this post. Glad you are in for the day with your fur-buddies.
    Yikes -you beat us in the amount of snow you have. Wow! We ended up with about a foot. Most has stayed and another snow storm is supposed to hit on Saturday. Our temp overnight was -8C and the 'high' right now is -1C. Very cold! I ventured out to the hardware store thinking I should restock on ice melt. HA! ME and the rest of the area. Needless to say, the store was sold out.At least I found some lock de-icer.
    Made a pot roast two nights ago and am going to use the rest for taco soup. Yum. Thanks so much for you blog. I don't have a lot of friends who have stayed with me through 5 years of CFS, so your blog really helps me. Cheers. SJ

    1. Hi SJ! Your temperatures are cold! I think we may have some ice melt left here...I will have to look. Other than that, Jeff will have to pick some up tonight when he is in town. :) I never thought about using leftover pot roast for taco soup. Thank you for that great idea. I have some in the fridge right now that needs to be used up! I'm so glad that you and I connected through my are right, it is hard to find friends who stick with you with this disease. Be blessed my friend!

  2. I've seen snow but never like you have shown here. I cant even begin to imagine how cold it must be. Stay safe. stay warm and rest up before the Christmas rush.

    1. Hi Jane. We did get a lot of snow and there is more coming next week. :) Right now our outdoor temperatures are plummeting and heading down to 4F tonight and below zero tomorrow. Our pellet stove is working overtime trying to keep our home heated. I may have to let the water drip from the faucets to make sure they do not freeze up. I thought about using our hot tub tonight but decided against it...I don't want icicles forming on my wet hair after I get out. ;)

  3. It's so pretty. Sometimes you just have to have a jammies day!


  4. May I please borrow a cup of snow? None here yet. We didn't get ANY last year. Total bummer.

    I'm running Swagbucks right now. I got two Bath and Body Gift cards for my daughters. Now I'm trying for one more card for one of my sons. (Not B & B!)

    It sounds like you had a perfect recuperation day. Love the cup.
    Enjoy dearie!

    1. Laura, you can have an entire truckload of snow my friend! LOL!
      I hope you are able to get enough points for the gift card for your son. I cashed in for a Walmart gift card and used that to purchase some movie theater gift cards for my baby brother and his beautiful family. Sweet dreams!

  5. sure did get the snow! I saw it on the news for your area. That is neat your mug matches your pj's! Andrea

  6. Still very cold here and more snow for Sat-Sun-Monday. Yikes. No snow melt to be found anywhere. People are lined up for the deliveries and they're pretty much selling off the truck. Crazy. The good news for me is that my apartment complex buys the ice melt and is not something I'm responsible for. I was just looking for a bag to augment what they do.
    Glad you liked the idea for taco soup. Even though I buy the smallest pot roast I can find, I still need to have alternative uses. In the past, I'd make quesadillas. But yesterday, I wanted soup. I also divide up a can of black beans. Half for the soup. Half went into the freezer to use later. Have a cozy day! SJ

    1. Good for you SJ on the soup! Our temperatures took a huge dive and now we are expecting the great thaw and rain for tomorrow followed by more freezing and snow. The roads are going to be a mess!

  7. Replies
    1. Yes it was. :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. That's a lot of snow in your area! It's a real winter wonderland outside! I will not grumble about it being only in the low 60s, here. :)

    Glad you took a day to rest. Hope there will be a few more of those. Lovely cup, by the way, and how nice that it matched your PJs!

    1. Thank you Bless. :) The cup is part of a set I found at the thrift store a couple of years ago. I also have the dinner plates to match and use them at this time of the year. :)

  9. Hi Debbie,
    Just stopping by to catch up. I'm glad to hear you've exercised discipline to slow down and rest during this busy season - I hope the rest helps you quickly recover your health.
    I'm behind on my homemade Christmas gifts ... I've one more to finish and am disappointed that it will not be completed in time for today's mail. I am hoping that it will arrive by Christmas when I mail it on Monday ... but I will be cutting it close.
    Our weather has turned bitterly cold. Today's high is forecasted to be -15, 20+ mph winds which translates to a "feels like" -43 ... burrrr. I wish we could all just cuddle up in the warm house, but we've livestock to feed and a Christmas program dress rehearsal late morning. Good news ... a heat wave is forecasted for our area Sunday - Tuesday with highs as warm as 30! Yes, the warmer temps. usually bring us quite a bit of snow but after today's bone chilling temps. it will almost feel like summer.
    I pray you and your family have a tremendously Happy Christmas and Blessed New Year.


    1. Hi Mrs. B :) I have been watching the weather for your area and have been praying for you all to stay warm. That is just way too cold for me! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too my friend!

  10. I love those cold and snowy days! So wonderful to sit back and just enjoy the view from the inside looking out! We've got the cold, snow and icicles here too! Nothing like a hot cup of coffee and warm cozy pj's! Glad that you got to enjoy a nice relaxing day :)

    1. Thank you! Our temperatures are starting to warm up a bit and tomorrow we are supposed to get above freezing and get some rain. I worry about flooding with all this snow melting and then freezing up again. The roads are going to be bad but maybe the heat will help thaw the frozen pipes at our Jaysn and Rachel's place.

  11. Woke up to snow this morning and it's coming down steadily as I type.
    A friend sent me a link to an article that ran in USAToday on Dec14th. It talks about treating CFS and fibro with viral therapy. I'm not skilled to link it here but I found it with a google search of "usatoday + kissing disease'. As you probably know mono is also known as the 'kissing disease' and that appears in the title of the news story. Anyway, it's a very hopeful article in many ways and I immediately thought of you. Cheers, SJ


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