Friday, December 2, 2016

Frugal Friday Wrap Up 11/29-12/2 2016 Part Two

Homemade Chicken Noodle soup served with some reduced price Garlic Knot rolls

   Ok, I hit the publish button on my Frugal Friday post for this week too early and since you lovely friends were already commenting on it, I decided to split it into two posts for this week so consider this part two. 😉  LOL!  I will have pictures from both part one and part two in this post.

 Anne Klein tote bag (Forest green color) and a purple leather wallet that blocks thieves from being able to scan and steal your credit card info

~I worked on Tuesday for the MOPS program and had a wonderful time with the 3-5 year olds.  One of the other teachers was out so I filled in for her in that classroom.  It brings me great joy to work with all those precious kids and I still can't believe I get paid to do this. :)
~I stopped at the Dollar Tree and picked up the rest of the candy to fill the Christmas"crackers" with.

Brand new in package Boppie infant lounger for the newest grandbaby

~Since I was in town I decided to stop by the Hope Center Thrift store and Goodwill.  At the Hope Center I found fleece pullover jackets for .47 each on the clearance area for my grandsons.  I also found a ziplock bag full of Christmas ornaments made of painted gold wood "G" letters.  Our grandsons are having their own Christmas tree in their room this year and since our last name starts with G I thought this would be really cute.  Our Heather (their mommy) said they would love them!    I found some brand new cute snowman ornaments that will be sent to a friend in Hawaii since it has become a tradition for me to send her a new Christmas ornament each year and a Montana Huckleberry mug that I kept seeing at the gift shops in Montana but never wanted to spend the $12 to get one.  I bought this one for .94 !  Oh I also found a really nice wallet that blocks thieves from being able to scan and steal your credit card information.  I have been wanting to get one of those for some time now.

~At Goodwill, I found 2 shirts (one was the half price rag color of the day too) for myself, a leather key holder for my hubby (half price tag too), a Christmas movie, a Christmas mug and a brand new Infant Boppy for my newest grandbaby that is due in May.
~I picked up a few groceries that we needed at Winco including a cheap frozen lasagna that I popped in the oven as soon as I got home.  We had that for a late lunch/early dinner.  For under $3 it sure beat stopping and picking up a pizza on the way home.
~Jeff and I used our hot tub several times to ease those aching muscles.  Poor guy was really sore after his Monday night shift.
~Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I stayed home so there was no gas used in my car.

~Dinner Wednesday night consisted of tamales I had gotten for 75% off and some Spanish rice.  We had leftover so I had a tamale and some of the rice for lunch on Thursday.
~Thursday we sold our weight bench and all the extra weights for $100 to some really nice college boys. :)  We now have a few less things in the garage and are hoping to clear out even more stuff that I listed on one of the local buy and sell facebook sites.
~I cashed in for another $25 Walmart gift card for the reduced 2,200 points at the beginning of the month at Swagbucks.
~I did 5 different Pinecone Research surveys and cashed out for a $18 check.
~We received several free magazines in the mail this week.
~The present closet was gone through and things sorted out so that I knew what I had for each person.   I found things in there that I had forgotten I had picked up throughout the year. Some of the gifts are now wrapped and ready to go.

Venison Stroganoff skillet dinner

~I finished off a wreath that I started making last year and got it hung up and found the other poinsettia garland that I knew I had somewhere and got that up too. 😉
~The Christmas quilt my mom made is now proudly sitting on the back of our sofa ready to snuggle up in.
~Thursday night was leftovers night for dinner.  I try to plan out at least one leftovers night per week to make sure we don't waste food and so that I don't have to cook that night.
~Thursday night I was chatting with my sister via facebook and got a wonderful surprise.  I'll share more about that later but let's just say that my husband and I now need to get passports! 😎  I'll be trying to sell even more things to raise more funds!

Christmas movie I picked up at the thrift store

~Now that we are running the pellet stove again we are reusing the bags as our big heavy duty trash bags in the garbage bin.
~Our local Dollar Tree is carrying the Old Orchard Apple Cider.  It is one of the few that I can drink without getting a stomach ache.  For $1 it is a great deal and one that I am enjoying very much.
~I cleaned out our mugs cabinet and have 3 huge ones to pass onto my Heather (she wanted any large ones I had and was getting rid of) and will list some of the smaller "vintage" ones online and see if anyone is interested in buying them.  I also listed some of our dvds that we have duplicates of and our Elliptical Trainer.

Duplicate DVDs that I have listed for sale

~Dinner Friday night was roasted russet and sweet potatoes, onions and orange peppers mixed with some beer and brat sausage.  It was so good and was the perfect meal with the snow starting to fall outside as we ate.

Oven Roasted Veggies and Sausage

~We watched some shows on Netflix and online.
~Since I have been having trouble sleeping again, I have been watching some episodes of Keeping Up Appearances to help calm my mid down so I can relax and get some sleep.
~I have a fleece throw next to our bed that I grab when it gets a bit too chilly at night.  Most of the time I don't need it but there are those times that I do.

   I think it has been a pretty good and frugal week!  We are hoping to attend a free Christmas event tomorrow but may have to skip that to help our kids with a plumbing issue at their house.  We shall see!  Be blessed all!


  1. You've been busy! You sure find some great things at your thrift stores. Sounds like a nice trip is in your future. Have a beautiful weekend!


    1. HI Jane, yes I am very lucky to find wonderful things at the thrift stores. :) I am looking forward to our trip too! I hope you have a great weekend. :)

  2. Great week, again for you. I was able to find some dvd cases, a wool blanket, some sewing supplies and a dvd this week at the thrift. Woot-woot.
    And I didn't realize MOPs was paying job - how fun is that to play with kids and get a paycheck.
    I used to put little trees in each of the bedrooms as well. All came from the thrift store. It was quite festive. Now, though, I'm quite content with just my Christmas cactus, now in bloom. I keep looking at the container holding my outdoor lights but just don't have the energy to get that done. There's always tomorrow, right? Cheers, SJ
    PS the weather here is predicting snow either Monday or Wednesday depending on the tv channel.

    1. Great finds SJ! I am happy that you got all those treasures. :) Our outdoor lights are not up yet either and at this rate I doubt they will be up at all this year. We have been so busy here at home with projects or helping our kids with their's that it has not left much time to decorate. Hubby is in bed sick this weekend so we are taking it easy here. I do hope you get your snow...we are expecting some too!

  3. Sounds like you had another great week. You got some great deals.
    Your meals sound yummy and comforting.
    Cool on the snowman ornament for your friend - especially since I saw Hawaii got snow this week!!!! WOW

    Have a great week

    1. Cheryl, my friend and I both grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii where they got snow. :) We would go up to see the snow on the mountain and it was such a special treat.

  4. Sounds like you had a very good week and there will be some travel in your future! How exciting!

    1. HI Bless. :) Thank you. Unfortunately we had to cancel out on the travel plans. My husband and I both realized after looking at the flight times alone that it would kill our backs. We both have back problems and I of course have a whole host of other issues that would make me miserable for days after traveling. We do have a plan B in place though of my sister coming here instead. :)

  5. Woke up to snow this morning and it's been snowing all day. The AM weather forecast said it would melt by this evening - I don't think so!! And another snow storm for Th-F-Saturday. Since we had no measurable snow last year, this is fun for me. That and I don't have to go anywhere. Stay safe and warm! SJ

    1. How fun SJ! We are expecting some tonight. I have seen a few flurries off and on but nothing major so far. Our big snows are supposed to hit Wednesday. :) Enjoy your snow!

  6. You've really been finding great deals at the thrift. I haven't been in a bit. Your good deals have made me itching to go.


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