Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Getting the Garden Ready

During the cold winter and early spring months I dream about and plan my garden.  I look through all the gardening catalogs that come in the mail and think "this year I will try...".  I usually end up planting the tried and true crops that we like but try to add at least one new thing each year.  This year we will be adding a pear tree to replace one of the cherry trees we lost.

My hubby got the garden all tilled up and ready for me to plant.  I started with some cold weather crops...the things that need warmer weather will be planted later.

While my hubby was tilling, we dug up some volunteer lettuce plants and replanted them in a pot.  We also dug up a very robust swiss chard plant and cilantro and replanted those back into the garden.

My Bleeding Heart plants are doing well in the lanai flower bed and we are hoping the transplanted columbine also takes hold.  It was being taken over by the Lupines in another bed so we took pity on it and moved it here.

I'll try to post more pictures as the garden grows and as we add more to it.  I love watching my garden spring back to life and being able to have fresh produce to make wonderful meals with and flowers to grace our home.

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