I want to thank everyone who has commented, prayed and kept our family in your thoughts. It has not been easy. I did not realize how much it was affecting me until I hit day 4 of not showering and just staying in the same pajamas. I knew I had to claw my way back up and out of the depression spiral. I can "mask" things pretty well with a smile, concentrating on helping others, etc. all the while slowing being sucked down myself. Not even my sweet hubby knows how deep the hurt is until I finally open up and tell him. I then find out that he is hurting very deeply also. So today, I finally took a long shower and tried to scrub away the pain. Did it work? No, but I am clean now and am able to post here again, so I would say that I am moving in the right direction.
Jeff and I have been working on projects around the house, trying to get things back in order after almost a year of just not having the energy physically or mentally to do "all the things". None of the projects are huge, just time consuming. There has been lots of cleaning, purging, reorganizing and making lists of other projects that need to be done. I'm sure many can relate to this.
Jeff and I did go on a real "date" last Friday. We went to one of our favorite breweries for their Saint Paddy's Day dinner. Well, I ordered the traditional corned beef dinner, Jeff had a burger and then finished the rest of my dinner because there was just so much food! They also had green beer in very tall pilsner glasses and it was really good. Dessert was Green Velvet cake with vanilla bean ice cream. YUM! Jeff and I shared that because it was a huge piece. We waddled out of there happy and came home to our recliners and watched Moana 2.
Earlier this week I got a message from our son Josh who said that our youngest grandkids wanted to talk to Grammie and Gpa. I got the computer all loaded up and we Facetimed with them. First thing our little Miss Peyton says is "Where's Gpa?" since he was turning on a light and was not in frame. Yes, she is Gpa's girl! She then modeled her Snow White princess dress for us. Tate, who is Grammie's buddy, decided to take the phone from his father and give us a "tour" of the cool new vacuum that his mom got. LOL! This is a boy who loves cleaning gadgets and was very excited about them having a new one. ') Those grandbabies, along with our other 3 older ones, are helping motivate me to come up to the surface once again. :)
There have frugal doings around here too. I cut up, sugared and froze 4 pints of strawberries. I made Belgium Waffles with some mix that I found in my pantry that I had forgotten about and served that with homemade maple syrup along with some cherry syrup I made with some of my mom's homemade cherry jam. Jeff used up the last of the syrup, so I made more to have on hand. We got in on a really good chicken deal. I got the chicken hindquarters for $1.57 a pound with $1.00 off the package. Apparently, they had a lot of chicken to sell quickly, so they also had a buy one family pack, get one free deal. I froze one of the packages and made shoyu chicken with the other. We had shoyu chicken over rice for one meal and I then froze the rest for another meal. I love having fully cooked meals I can pull out of the freezer and just add a side dish to it. The leftover rice was used for 2 meals of chili and rice. Cabbage was on sale, so I bought 3 of them. I used half of one to make coleslaw, and will use the other half in another dish. The 2 remaining cabbages will be used for a cabbage salad, while most of it will be blanched and the dehydrated so I can add it to soups, stews, etc. at a later date. I made a nice dinner with broiled asparagus and lobster ravioli. I also made another nice homemade alfredo pasta dish and served that with a nice crisp salad. We ordered another hose online for Jeff's cpap machine saving ourselves about $40 there. I have been using decor that I have on hand here to change out my Winter decor and bring our some of the Spring stuff. Jeff found some watercolor prints from Hawaii that I will be framing and putting up in our guest bathroom. They are bright and cheery and remind me of happy times in my life growing up. I finally found a pair of jeans that fit me and Jeff found some lounging type pants at the thrift store. Oh, I also found more new canning lids and rings. I love to have lots of these on hand.
I had better go and figure out dinner for tonight. Be blessed all and thank you once again.