As we waved goodbye to a very sad and stressful January, we also welcomed in February with open arms. We hope and pray that this month will be much kinder and gentler to us. God knows that we need that in our lives right now.
We are so very grateful for God's love and mercy, along with answered prayers. One of my beloved uncles was hospitalized, fighting for his life. The news was very bleak at first, but then came along a doctor who was able to help him at least get to the point where he was able to go home again. My uncle is battling cancer and my sweet aunt has been there with him throughout all of it. Please keep them both in your prayers.
I have been battling some health issues, along with a very bad bout of the flu. The flu is gone now, and I am trying to deal with the other things. It has given me time to really rest, think, and realize that I have to take better care of myself and also give myself grace. Superwoman I am not, and that is something that I have to remember. 😉
Jeff and I have tackled some long overdue projects. We are slowly getting our house back in order and doing more needed purging of things that we do now use or that have no sentimental value. We are also getting back into a routine once again and trying to get my sleep schedule back on track. It has not only gone off the rails, but also took off on a vacation. It likes to do this when I have been under a lot of stress. It is both fibro related and another bad learned coping mechanism for me.
We are continuing to fill our box of things for our pop up tent trailer. We have added a mini Ninja blender (gotta have that for adult beverages, along with smoothies and slushies for the grandkids) given to me by our Rachel, a coffee maker, paper plate holders, a really nice afghan that I got for $1.99 at the thrift store, food storage containers that with fit in the small refrigerator, cups, thermal mugs, plastic plates, forks and knives, and some other items. I will continue to add to the big box as we go along. I have made a list of all the items I want in there and luckily we have most of them on hand here at home. There are just a few more that I need to purchase and I am looking at thrift stores for them. I just cannot wait for camping season to start!😊
Josh called me today and told me my youngest grandson has been sent home from his preschool on base for the 4th day in a row. Apparently, they divided up his class and the teacher he really connected well with and would listen to, went with the other half of his former class and he had all new people there. He has been running out of the room after his favorite teacher left in order to get some of his energy out, which is an automatic "send the kid home" for the rest of the day rule. Josh and Lauren understand that this is a big change for Tate and that he does not understand how to handle all of this at once. They have been trying to find ways to deal with his behavior at school. He does not act out in this manner at home (where he feels secure). Tomorrow there will be a whole new group of teachers in his room and we hope it goes better with them. Josh and Lauren are meeting with the new teachers and the counselor on Monday to come up with a plan to help Tate release some of that pent up energy he gets when he is not engaged in an activity. Tate and I also had a talk about how it makes teachers sad and that they sometimes cry when kids are being mean to them. I told him I used to be a teacher and that sometimes I would cry to because I tried so hard to be kind, understanding and teach the kids in my classes. That really got to him, knowing that Grammie used to cry, and Josh helped him make the connection to how sad it made his teachers when he acted out. Praying here that tomorrow will be a better day for everyone involved. I did offer to come down if needed to help because I know my grandson well and that change is hard for him, along with him being way too smart, having lots of energy, and needing to be engaged in things. I have worked with kids like him in the past and even have some of my own. ;)
We did get some snow here in the last few days and I am enjoying the beauty of it. Add about 3 inches to the picture at the top of the post and that is what I am currently looking at. Jeff ended up taking our truck, with the four-wheel drive to work yesterday, just in case. There were school closures and delays all over this area. I have been more than happy to stay home, bake bread, make soup and other filling meals, and have Jeff pick up anything that we may need from the store. Luckily for us, our pantry is well stocked and organized, so we do not have to pick up much. While I was sick with the flu, I had Jeff pick up a Stouffers frozen lasagna, which I have not had in over 20 years now, and will never be buying another again. It was awful and just ick! It tasted like "fake" food to me. I guess Jeff and I are just spoiled since I usually make my own here at home. Anyone else have that experience with Stouffers?
Well, the fur babies are trying to get my attention, so I had better get going. They are cooped up here in the house along with me, and I know they want to be out on the back porch and the dog wants to be left out in the yard. It is way too cold for that at the moment. Be blessed my sweet friends and try to stay warm.
Wishing you a good month
ReplyDeleteI so hope things are easier on you this month my friend.
ReplyDeleteHope that February will be a good month for you and yours.