Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Bitterly Cold, Snowdrifts and a Very Sore Body

   It is bitterly cold here.  The picture above is what the temperature currently is as I type this post up.  It was -7F last night when I headed to bed.  I think we may have broken some records for the low temperatures for this date.  The pellet stove ran almost continuously last night even when set at 60F.    Thank goodness it is due to warm up here soon and we should be hit by another snowstorm on Friday.  Not sure I am happy about the snowstorm, but I will welcome warmer temperatures.

   Yesterday I had an early morning doctor's appointment and had to be there by 9 a.m..  We left an hour before we were due there (it usually takes half an hour to get there in good conditions).  I'm glad we left really early because the roads were bad, as in scary bad.  We had to plow through snowdrifts and by the time we got to the doctor's office, I was starting to have another Fibro flare.  Yuck!  My poor doctor had car trouble due to weather and then hit bad roads as well.  He was over an hour late getting in to the office so by the time he saw us, and we were the first appointment of the day, we had been waiting in the exam room for over an hour.  He felt bad for getting there so late and we felt bad for him for having such a rough start to the day.

   We went over my test results and how I was doing on the new meds.  He was really impressed with how well I handled the transition to the new meds.  We talked diet due to me being prediabetic.  We also talked about my Fibro pain and trying something new for that and he told me to tell other people "NO" more often.  Jeff and I reassured him that I do say no a lot and that our kids, close relatives and friends are all very supportive and understanding.  I have another follow up appointment in 3 months to see what progress I have made on getting myself back into the normal and non prediabetic range.

   By the time we got home from my appointment I was in full on flare mode.  I hurt everywhere and had to head to bed for a couple of hours.  Even sitting up was, and still is, painful.  I tried hot tubbing seeing if that would help, I tried Tylenol...nothing touched the pain.  Saturday had been a similar day of flares and pain.  Sunday was a milder edition of a flare and I rested in the morning so I could help care for our youngest grandson in the afternoon/evening.  I came home worn out and sore from that but happy to have gotten to spend the time with him.  I was glad to be there to comfort him as he was not feeling well and spent quite a bit of time sleeping while curled up in my arms.  I realize how precious that time is and how sometimes, when you are a baby, you just need Grammie snuggles to make you feel safe and help calm you so you can sleep.

   So here we are today and I am still in a flare.  I'm trying to get a few things done like my laundry, blogging, and a few other smaller projects.  My body is screaming at me to just lay down but I am feeling the need to get things done because not doing so is causing anxiety for me.  I'm trying to find that balance between listening to my physical body and not causing anxiety due to things not getting done around here.  It's like walking on a tightrope and being so tense because you are afraid to fall.  Anyway, my laundry is calling me to get it folded and then I will rest for awhile.  I promise.



  1. REMEMBER you are important!!! Soft hugs to you. Prayers that the pain eases for you.
    Stuff CAN WAIT!!!! Give yourself a break.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. :) I think I am just having one of the frenetic fibro moments again where I feel compelled to get things done even though my body is saying STOP.

  2. Just go lay down, no one is judging but you, I know it is hard. Does your hair ever hurt? Like your hair follicles?

    1. Yes, my hair follicles do hurt. I always thought that was strange but other people have said theirs do too.

  3. Having these limitations is so hard. I know that fight between 'wanting' to do something and knowing I need to just rest. Sending along very gently hugs as well.
    It's cold here as well. Dog is not impressed with our short walks. But the sidewalks are just too cold and there's too much ice melt. We're supposed to have warmer temps this weekend as well.
    I'm down to $56 on my budget. I took myself off to the senior's day at the thrift store. I hadn't been since before Christmas and spent $17. Found a great collection of Alfred Hitchcock dvds (4 of them) for $2.99 before the discount. Also a really heavy weight t-shirt that I'll use this summer as a nightshirt; a CD case and two books. And it was just a little bit of fun!
    I'm cooking the game hen tonight and will definitely be making broth for soup later. Great idea!
    Hugs, SJ

    1. Hi SJ, Caesar is put out that I will not take him for walks right now but it's just too cold for me to be out in this. It makes my muscles cramp up.

      Good for you on your wonderful finds! Enjoy that game hen!

    2. SJ,
      I'm glad you found some good movies to watch while you have your soup! Sounds great for the weather we have been having. Good luck with the last 2 weeks of February:)

  4. I can't even imagine what you go through, you poor thing! I've been feeling crappy for a few weeks, fighting a darned cold over and over again, and I feel awful....but at least I know it's temporary. My heart goes out to you dealing with this regularly!

    1. I'm so sorry you are feeling crappy Debbie. I hate to see anyone hurting or sick. Gentle hugs and healing prayers.

  5. Debbie, remember what the doctor said - say No more often, and not just to others who ask you to do for them, but also to yourself, when you ask yourself to do more, such as doing laundry when you are in pain! If you have enough clothes to last you for at least another day, then, rest today and catch up on the laundry (and other activities) when you are feeling better! I know it is easier said than done; I am still complaining when I can't do as much as I would like to, but it is important for you to rest!

    Hope it warms up some and you feel better, soon.

    1. YOu are right my friend. Jeff ended up folding them for me when he got up. That allowed me to rest enough to be able to make dinner tonight. Thank you and be blessed!

    2. Hey, Debbie, you could just make a tower of laundry baskets to decorate your living room like I have here right now:). I don't even have fibromyalgia:) :).

  6. Hello there ! Pretty chilly in Arizona too. I grew up in Europe, with very cold winters and I don't miss the cold. I am so sorry to hear about your problems, it is pretty hard to deal with this kind. Our son had various health problems and we tried to heal him and stepped from doctor to doctor until we went to a naturopath here in Phx and he opened my mind. He was proving with labs that my son's gut was inflamed. His whole body was suffering because of that , and the health problems he had were only the consequences. He taught me to always cure from the interior. One of his miraculous advices to heal a body is the plant based diet. It is simple, you CAN NOT eat anything that comes from a animal, not milk, eggs, cheese... nothing. You CAN NOT eat any sugar, even it is raw, organic, ...except a teaspoon of natural honey every day. You CAN eat all the plants, fruits and vegetables but not processed, or in a can. Everything can be boiled, broiled, steamed, juiced or raw. Salt in moderation. Coffee is ok in moderation. Tea is a must... al kind of teas. Nothing fried in oil, it is very important, but you can have cold pressed oil, olive, gapre, sesame, ...on top of your salads or potato. No margarine or other hydrogenated oils. It is very important to follow the diet and DO NOT make any exception, not a single slice of birthday cake or a candy...it will spoil everything. He told me if the people will know this there will be thousands of problems cured. In 40 days a body is rebooting itself. He said after 40 days to cure , you have to do another 20, so 60 days to heal completely and to change your metabolism and reverse your body it has to be 90 days. In 90 days your body cells will change, old ones are dead and new healthy ones are replacing them. I home this will help. :) Take care of yourself and wishing you all the best ! Adriana.

  7. Another 10 inches of snow dropped here last night. More to come tonight.
    Forgot to tell you, I also used the cornish game hen to make a curry-chicken salad sandwich. Made it pantry friendly with pineapple chunks rather then my normal sliced grapes. So got a lot of mileage out of that one itty-bitty bird.
    Cheers, SJ

  8. I am having trouble imagining weather that cold, Debbie. Our winters are pretty mild, never really get near 0C at all. No snow either. Been very hot here and humid, lightning off in distance so storm coming over the ridge I think. Hope you begin to feel better soon and that flare eases up. Keep on keeping on! Meg:)

  9. I think I've had fibromyalgia for many years but was diagnosed approximately 5 years ago. I was working at Walmart and was just exhausted. Not the tiredness that sleep helps. I mean totally exhausted, with muscle pain. My primary doctor diagnosed fibromyalgia. He prescribed Cymbalta around 4 years ago. Cymbalta was approved for Fibromyalgia treatment. Although it did relieve some of the pain, I still suffered from fatigue. November 2017 my doctor started me on Green House Herbal Clinic fibromyalgia Herbal mixture, 7 weeks into treatment I improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case of fatigue, muscle pain,mood swings, or nervousness. Visit Green House Herbal Clinic official website www. greenhouseherbalclinic .com. I am strong again and able to go about daily activities.‌ This Herbal Formula is Incredible!! My life is back.

  10. I had fibromyalgia, and it was painful on some days. I took methocarbamol to relieve the pain. Sometimes it helps and other days it doesn't. I had it for almost 16 years, there was no cure. So I had to live with it the best that I could. The symptoms I had were Muscle Pains, mood swings, and difficulty falling asleep.There has been little if any progress in finding a cure or reliable treatment. April this year my brother In law who’s an M.D suggested I started on Natural Herbal Gardens Fibromyalgia Herbal formula which eased my anxiety a bit,We ordered their Fibro herbal treatment after reading alot of positive reviews, i started on natural alternative Fibromyalgia DISEASE treatment from ( www. naturalherbalgardens .com ) the treatment worked very effectively, i am happy to report with the help of Natural Herbal Garden natural herbs my severe symptoms simply vanished, i feel better now, this alternative fibromyalgia disease treatment is a breakthrough.Visit Natural Herbal Gardens official website This Herbal Protocol is Incredible, I have never been this Healthier!!


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