Thursday, October 12, 2017

Some Days It Just Does Not Happen

   Today I checked my email, for the first time in about 4 days.  I know I should check it more often, but sometimes, I just can't even deal with reading it.  Believe it or not, it takes lots of energy and concentration for me to do so and there are days when that just is not happening.  I feel bad when I miss something important from someone, but most of the people that I correspond with via email understand that it may be days before I actually see their emails and respond.  I am so thankful for those that do understand.  For my own sanity, I have had to let go of the guilt of not checking it daily.

   Let's face it all, I am NOT normal.  😉  I know there are those of you who will say "Well we have known that for years" and get a good laugh out of it.  I'm good with that! 😁  Let's clarify this a bit further, I am not normal for many reasons, one of them being my health challenges.

   On those days when I am having to play charades with my hubby because I cannot think of the word that I need to say (his new favorite was when I tried to do a charade of the clothes dryer) , it would be a real stretch to think I could actually read and write something coherent out without it taking forever.  If I am having a really bad day, I will just stare blankly, mid sentence and either forget what I was saying altogether or desperately look at my husband with pleading eyes, praying that he can finish my sentence for me.  CFS and Fibro Fog are real and are so frustrating.

   These past few days have been ones where I dissolved into tears because I was frustrated with my limitations yet again.  CFS and Fibromyalgia affect every area of my life.   My sleep has been off, I cannot lift anything heavy, including full laundry baskets, it hurts to try and make up the guest bed and I had another 5 pound bag of onions that needed to be chopped and then dehydrated or frozen.  Nothing was getting done or happening.  Enter my amazing hubby who put everything he had planned to do aside and went down my list and did it all for me.  While he was doing all that, I was able to get a few less taxing things done like make up another batch of dry laundry detergent, harvest, cut up and freeze the green onions from our garden and do some cooking and baking.  Cooking and baking honestly are some of the things that I really enjoy doing.  Knowing that I was struggling though, I made large quantities of French Onion soup, Sloppy Joe meat and two huge loaves of French bread so that we would have leftovers and that would leave me free not to cook on other nights.  Those leftovers sure came in handy tonight when I had to have something quick and easy to feed my hubby and myself before he headed out to bowling league. 

   I am so thankful to my hubby for stepping in and helping me when he is able to.  Other times, when he is at work, things just don't get done on bad days.  I would say that 3/4th of my time this week has been spent curled up in my recliner with my soft fleece throw over me and at least one cat in my lap.  This is my life now and it make the good days oh so much sweeter.  With that being said, I need to get Jeff's laundry in the dryer and then go and heat up the hot tub so I can use it tonight.  Just doing his laundry has made my neck, shoulders and back ache.  I am hoping to ease those sore muscles so that I actually get some good sleep tonight.


  1. I am sorry that you have those days.
    Prayers for more good days than bed.
    And resting with a cozy throw and a cat sounds relaxing. : )

  2. There is nothing wrong with my health and I still take days to check my emails. Maybe I am just lazy. Nope I just cant be bothered a lot of the time. I also figure that if someone needs to contact me quickly they will find a way.
    I have an amazing husband who has been through the wars in the past 12 months as far as his health is concerned. He can no longer do a lot of what he used to do. I see his frustration and try to do what I can to ease this for him.
    I understand your frustration as I see my beautiful husband dealing with it. Please don't take on guilt for how your health issues effect you. Friends and family understand. For those that don't, their lack of empathy is their issue, not yours. Feel sorry for them not guilty.
    Feel better my friend.

    1. ((((HUGS)))) Jane and I am praying for you and your sweet hubby. I am so glad that you have each other. It takes so much love and commitment to stay together when things get really tough. I have watched marriages dissolve when one of the spouses becomes ill or is disabled in some way. The added stress on the healthy spouse, who has to take on additional responsibilities and work, is hard on them and I sometimes think that people forget that. I know that I am blessed with a wonderful husband, just as your husband is blessed with a wonderful wife. :)

  3. I am sorry you are having such problems with your health, Debbie, but, how wonderful to have a loving husband who does what he can to help you. Don't feel bad about what you can't do; your family and loved ones know you would if you could.

    1. Thank you my friend. I appreciate and love my hubby so very much. I do wish I could do more but the reality is that I can't and having to accept that is hard. ;)

  4. I wish I could do something to help you, but we live "a little" far from you, so all I can do is pray. And that's the most important thing to do for one another, right?
    But I've searched the net and I found this link, that talks about CFS symptoms and treatments, both medical and home treatments. I hope this helps you! :)

    And about cheking your email... I don't check my email every day. If I had a business, I'd have to do that, but I don't so, it's okay not to do it. I don't think anyone can judge you for that and if someone does it, it's their problem, not yours.
    My husband has a wise saying, about people that mind other people business and that sometimes, I'm affraid to "ofend". He says that they don't pay our bills, so what they think about us, it's their problem and it doesn't bother him a bit!
    I hope you can have a good and relaxed weekend, with less pain!

    1. Thank you Paula! I will be going to that link right after I finish replying to people here on the blog. You are so sweet to find that for me and for praying too.

      Like I posted, most people are really good about understanding that I just can't check my email every day. Sometimes I miss out on things but that is not the person emailing me fault and I don't want them to feel bad about that either. It's the people who get upset with me for not responding right away. There are several ladies who read my blog who I also email back and forth with and I have to say, they are amazing and wonderfully understanding and I cherish and thank God for them. :)

  5. Like Billie Jo above, I wish you more good days than bad...I know how frustrating it can be when you can accomplish what you wish, because your body holds you back. Sending hugs and smiles and telling you that I am right there with you when it comes to email...oh boy!

    1. :) Thanks Kim. I think a lot of us are in that same boat. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I hope you do have a good sleep tonight! God didn't take away your illnesses but he gave you such a good husband! Andrea

    1. Thank you Andrea...I really am blessed with the husband that God gave me. :)

  7. I get it and am living my own journey with CFS. And isn't it weird about the sleep?? At least it is for me -- I'm horribly tired and either can't get to sleep or can't stay asleep. This week has been horrible on that front for me -- 3nights with poor sleep. Ick.
    I get the mental fog as well. I've been off line a lot this week, too, because of it.
    And then there's the people who are absolutely clueless. The latest being one of my neighbors tell me this week that she wished she could go to bed at 730 like I do. It took everything in my being to not scream at her.
    Hugs -- SJ

    1. Hi SJ :) I was wondering, do the weather changes and seasons affect your sleep and how you feel? I was wondering because this week has been horrible for sleep for me also and the weather has been changing a lot. Same with the mental fog. YOu and I are a lot alike is so many ways. ;) I'm sorry about your neighbor...she must not realize that you may go to bed early, but that does not mean you are not exhausted but still find yourself tossing and turning or that you will actually stay asleep throughout the night. I don't know how many times I will fall asleep for an hour after tossing and turning and then wake up again an hour later. Very frustrating. I am also learning that I rarely get even an hour of deep sleep each night. I was really happy to see that one night last week that I was actually in deep sleep for a little more than an hour. I really do believe that is why so many of us have problems with anxiety and even depression, because your deep sleep cycle is where you work things that bother you out.

      Be blessed my friend and have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I have times when I sleep well, and times when I don't sleep worth beans. I'm often up for a few hours during the middle of the night. And, I don't even have any of those things you have, such as Fibro! I do think my diabetes sometimes messes with my sleep, though, if I'm too high. I'm not really sure what causes the sleeplessness, though, really. Maybe just my age. So, I feel for you.

    I'm glad you can rest, though, when you don't feel well, and especially glad you have such a supportive husband.

    After 1 week with a bad cold, I feel so frustrated because I just haven't been able to get things done on the weekend--all I could do was sit on the couch and grouch at people. I was able to keep up only with the bare minimum, and am a BAD patient:) I'm not at all patient!!! Thankfully, they still love me:) I'm really planning to tear into some projects tomorrow morning. So, I don't think I would handle things as gracefully as you do. Hang in there! I hope it improves soon.

    1. I am so sorry you have found yourself with a bad cold Becky. I hope you do not push yourself too hard and have a setback. Be blessed!

  9. Debbie, How many times do I have to tell you this? Normal is a setting on your dryer. Hugs and a smile


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