Tuesday, February 2, 2016

And We're Off With a Bang!


   Ready, Set, GO!!!!  As I shared before, I am doing a $100 Grocery Budget Challenge for the month of February.  Well, I went shopping today for a few items and thought I would update you all.  I realized that I needed to just include the food purchased and not paper products or pet food.  Those are a separate budget item. I am also not including any special treats that I buy out of my $20 "pocket money" that I get every 2 weeks when my hubby gets paid.  My pocket money is to spend on anything I want.  Most of the time that involves buying things for my hubby, the kids, the grandkids, and myself but I do occasionally use it for a treat...like I did today. ;)  I spent $9 on dumplings, egg rolls, and gyros (strange combination I know).  Those treats are now in the freezer to be enjoyed later. That left me $11 from my latest pocket money and I used that to buy 2 family friendly movies from Redbox. :)  I still had some money left from my previous pocket money and used that to pick up a few things at the thrift stores.

   So, onto how much I spent on groceries...I picked up cabbage, butternut squash, a big can of coffee, 2 bunches of bananas and a Propel drink and paid  $15.  That leaves me with $85 left for the month.   I was so tempted to stop and pick up something for dinner but wanted to save our entertainment budget money for going out on a date with the hubby, so I came home and made dinner.  We have a packed pantry, freezer and refrigerator so I made a turkey sausage, onion and red potato skillet dinner.  I have onions and potatoes that need to be used ASAP so this was a great way to use some of them. We had leftover apple pie from the weekend for dessert.  The hubby was very pleased since he is a meat and potatoes kind of man!

   On my way into town I noticed that the heater was only blowing cold air.  Over the weekend, we had noticed that the heater in the back part of the car was not working right...well today whatever it was spread to the front of the car also.  It made for a cold trip.  I came home and googled what might be causing the problem based on what it was doing and it sounds like it is our thermostat.  Luckily my hubby should be able to replace that himself, at least we are hoping so.  He'll pick up the parts and a repair manual for my car on Thursday.

   Oh, a word to those of you who are shopping for Valentine's Day presents for your loved ones...hide the bags before they can go through them.  My hubby got his 2 new DVDs that I got him (you know the kind men like, action/adventure) a bit early when he pulled them out of the bag and said "Oh cool, you got more movies".  So much for surprising him with them.



  1. Good Afternoon Debbie,

    We often enjoy sausage and potatoes ... usually with a side of fried cabbage.

    Hoping you and your hubby enjoy those exciting Valentine movies.


  2. Hello Mrs. B! I love fried cabbage but sadly my hubby does not. I'm sure my hubby will enjoy the movies...just not this weekend. Hubby is installing a new thermostat in my car since it went out this week (he says it is my Valentine's Day gift and I'm more than fine with that) and then we have our youngest grandson coming back to spend the night Sunday with us. Be blessed!

  3. One of my family's favorite meals is that same sausage dish that I roast in the oven. Sounds like you are doing great on your challenge.

    1. Thanks Melissa, I have never thought about doing it in the oven. Great idea!

  4. I'm trying to cut our food budget also. I've been looking around for recipes that will feed us for a couple of days and looking at some things I've never tried before. Also trying to empty out the pantry of things that have been in there a while...THOSE are interesting meals...LOL

    1. Benita, I'm in the process of cleaning up and reorganizing our panty and I foresee some very interesting meals in our near future too. ;)


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