Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Say a Prayer this Christmas for the Hurting

Christmas is supposed to be this wonderful time of the year with families gathering, children laughing and hearts being filled with love.  For some this is what these next few days will be filled with, but for others say a prayer...

For the men and women in the military and their families who cannot be together because there is literally an ocean between them.

For the homeless that will spend another cold night outside or in a shelter that will not have the joy of opening even a single gift on Christmas morning.

For those who have lost loved ones this year and will have an empty space at the table and an ache in their hearts.

For those families that are facing major hardships in their lives and are in crisis mode.

For those that have division within their families and feel the pain of not being able to be together.

For the ill who are in the hospital, in Hospice care or at home and may be fighting a battle that no one wants to ever face.

For the abandoned, both human and animals, who have heavy hearts and only want to be loved and cherished.

For the emergency workers: police, fire, EMTs, nurses and doctors who will most likely have to deal with some really heartbreaking situations and hold it together while trying to save someone, deliver bad news, or deal with a dangerous situation.

So please...whether you can identify with any of the scenarios above, say a prayer for those that are hurting.   I personally believe in the power of prayer and I know how much it can mean to those that are hurting or are in need of protection or change in their lives.


  1. So easy to forget those that are hurting in all our busyness. Thanks for the reminder.


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