Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Garden Produce and Piggy Back Baking

Harvested some potatoes.  I just threw some potatoes that were sprouting into a deep hole and added dirt around the plants as they grew.

Our regular cucumber plants are doing great.  The Lemon Cucumber plants are not.

Fresh beans.  I only had 5 plants that came up this year out of 2 rows but those 5 plants are producing enough beans for the 2 of us.

Our 2 cherry tomato plants are supplying us with lots and lots of fresh tomatoes.

Roasting cherry tomatoes and eggplant in the same pan I used to bake 6 huge boneless skinless chicken breast.  I seasoned this with olive oil, fresh cracked pepper, salt and some garlic salt.  YUM!

Croutons were made with the ends of my leftover homemade bread.  These went in as soon as the roasted veggies were done.

Some of the diced up cooked chicken.  I froze 3 more bags of it for future meals.  The roasted veggies were added to this later.  We will have half of this with pasta for dinner and I will freeze the rest of it for a future meal.

More sourdough bread being made in the bread maker.  This is my second bread maker since I wore the other one out.  I did buy a another spare one this Summer just in case this one quits working.  I make fresh bread every 2-3 days.

1 comment:

  1. We got rid of our breadmaker and homemade ice cream maker when we moved. The bread and ice cream we (well, I say we, but John was the one that made it all, ha) created were just toooooooooo good and not helping my figure at all. haha I sure would like a good home grown tomato. I have not had a really good one since I moved out here. None seem to taste like the good midwest garden ones. I do miss those.
    Such a good idea on the croutons. I really should save the heels and make those.


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