Monday, July 3, 2023

Frugal Friday Wrap Up 7/30/23

~Steven was here with me and we did that watering in the morning in the garden. 
~I did a load of sheets and towels and hung those up outside to dry.
~After lunch, Steven and I headed into town to run some errands.  First stop was the thrift store where they had their buy one book get one free.  I found some wonderful books for the grandkids and also for myself and my father.  I also found a rolling 3 tiered metal cart that I had on my "want list" for $9.99.  It now houses my garden seeds and other garden related stuff in the house.  Steven also found a nice lego like building set that he and his Daddy and/or Mommy can work on at home.
~Next stop was Grocery Outlet where we got Gummie Bears (I bought enough for treats for Steven for the Summer), some sugar cookie mix for .99 for a large package (Steven loves to make sugar cookies), some garlic and a few other items.
~Dinner was a pot roast and Air Fryer roasted potatoes along with carrot sticks.

~Jeff had to work until 2 p.m. so I worked in the garden for 3 hours.  I was really tired, but I got a lot of work done.
~I picked some cherries, strawberries and raspberries from our garden.
~A large load of laundry was done.
~Jeff and I decided to have a fun "snacky" kind of dinner.  We had Mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers and herb salt crusted potato wedges.  We enjoyed them while watching the movie "80 for Brady" on tv.

~Our morning was a leisurely one.  Jeff made us pancakes for breakfast and I had mine with blueberry syrup.  YUM!
~We decided that we were going to have a "date day" so we got ourselves ready and headed to 2 yard sales first thing.  At one of the sales Jeff scored a really nice hydraulic car jack in a hard shelled carrying case for $15.  That was a steal of a deal!
~We went to a botanical garden that used to be well kept and were sad to see that it was not being well cared for anymore.
~Jeff took me out to lunch at one of our favorite places and we then walked across the street to a used bookstore.  I love just looking at all the books and seeing if I can find a new treasure.  I did not find one this time, but it was still fun to look. 
~Our last stop in town was up to Walmart where we ran into some good friends that we had not seen in ages.  We shared hugs and got caught up on each others lives.  Dave, our friend, was able to share with Jeff how to repair one of his tools that he thought was broken.  
~At Walmart, I hit the clearance aisles and found bath towels for .73 each and bath sheets for $2.00 each..  Some of our towels have been looking really "ratty", so picking up a few more new ones sure made me happy!  I also found Fushia plants on sale for $2 each, so I bought 4 of them.

~I got up early in the morning and got a load of linens going in the washer and then hung them out to dry.
~I finally got the kale all transplanted.
~I used a hanging basket that I had here and loaded it up with some potting soil and the 4 Fushia plants.
~I repotted about 25 cherry tomato plants into larger pots.  I am still trying to figure out where to plant them all out.  I already have about 17 plants in the front raised garden bed.
~All the watering for the day was done bright and early.
~Hamburger was pulled out of the freezer to thaw for dinner.
~Meatloaf and rice, along with fresh fruit from the garden made up dinner.

~Raspberries, cherries and a lone strawberry were harvested from the garden.
~Two loaves of homemade bread were made.  It has been at least 3 weeks since I made bread since we have had bagels, hamburger and hot dog buns that needed to be used up.
~It was a hot day so I closed the curtains to keep the cool air in the house and keep the heat out.  I also put on some soft jazz music with rain sounds on YouTube.  It helps trick my mind into thinking it is actually cooler.
~Dinner was chicken salad sandwiches on my homemade bread.

~I picked raspberries and gave them to my neighbor Shannon who loves them.  I just wanted to bless her.
~More strawberries were picked.
~The watering of the gardens was done in the morning.  While doing that, I was delighted to see that my bean plants are coming up.
~The rest of the chicken salad was finished for my brunch.
~Jeff picked 5 gallons of cherries super fast.  I had to finally tell him to stop because he was hurting doing it up over his head.

OK here is where things went sideways fast...Early Thursday morning, Jeff woke me up.  He was in severe pain in his back and chest.  So much so, that it was making it hard to breathe.  He asked me to call Shannon and an ambulance.  Yes, it was that bad.  Shannon came over and the ambulance arrived within 5 minutes.  Jeff took the ambulance to the hospital and Shannon and I followed along behind.  After many tests, a heart problem was ruled out and it was determined that it was in his muscles.  That made sense since he had been speed picking those cherries.  They did however find something on one of his kidneys which may just be a cyst, but we are following up on that this Wednesday.  I was able to add Jeff to my appointment time, so we will be able to just do it all together.  Thursday was spent sleeping and yes, Jeff was home with me per doctor's orders.  Friday he also stayed home since he was still really sore. but doing better.

I am beyond thankful for our town's EMTs who arrived so quickly, to the staff at the hospital, Jeff's coworkers and most of all to our neighbor/hanai sister Shannon.  Shannon helped Jeff and I get through something very scary and, with her medical background, was able to reassure us and explain what was going on.  She became my rock in a very scary situation and I cannot thank her enough for that.  I honestly thought I might lose my husband to something heart related and all I could do in that room was look at him and rely on God to make things right again.  Jeff is still a bit sore but is so much better now.  He reluctantly agreed that yes, he and I are getting older and we cannot do all that we used to do.  He, in particular, is going to have to ask for help from our boys to get certain things done.  This is not easy for him to accept, but it did get him thinking more about how he wants to spend the rest of his life and is having to make some hard changes.  Hopefully there will be no more ambulance rides in our future and that spot on his kidney will just be a cyst.   Now I need to come down off my high stress alert and calm back down so I can get our of this horrible flare.

So there you go...that is what our week was like.


  1. That must have been terrifying
    for you both.
    I'm so glad he's ok.
    We are going through the aging
    process as well.
    It ain't easy,that's for sure.
    Take care of each other and
    ask those boys for help.
    You know they'd do anything
    for their family.

  2. So happy to hear there was no heart issues! Getting older isn't for sissies!!!! Amazing how our bodies change and how quickly.
    Have a nice 4th!

  3. So glad that Jeff is OK and it wasn't a heart issue! Muscle pain can be very painful (as I've found out, myself, after doing too much in the garden from time to time).
    But, what a lovely harvest of cherries! They are selling for $4.99/lb., here, and I'm refusing to pay that price!
    Take care of yourself and be well, Debbie.

  4. My husband has the exact same thing! We jumped thru all of the cardiac tests, everything was fine. This has been going on for years. No answer. Finally our doctor gave him a dose of steroids for a few days. Cleared up whatever inflamation was causing this...He felt good and was able to do stuff without getting into pain and short of breath. We have been to the ER at least 4 times with this...finally they start to look at you funny and then it's the psycological route...are you depressed. NO I AM NOT. I have real chest pain SO don't take no for an answer. He still has it. Such fun getting older. Barb

  5. Oh my goodness. My heart just aches for the scare you two had.Sending hugs and prayers.

    Puppygirl and I have so far done ok with the triple digit heat. If the weather app is accurate, today is 'only' 100 and then we'll 'drop' into the 90s. It means I'm home for the 4th instead of at a friend's BBQ. But that's ok, at least I have invitations now even if I can't attend.

    My 'big' find last week was a table for my patio. My friend was at an estate sale that had advertised a patio set. But by the time she got there, it had sold. I got a text from my friend asking if I'd like the table she was planning to get rid of. It needs a little TLC. Free is my kind of language! And later in the week, she found patio chairs at Costco for a great price so bought 4 for me. So, instead of buying a full dining set, I'm only having to buy 4 chairs. I'm over the moon happy.

    take good care. SJ now in California.


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