Thursday, March 19, 2015

This is Real Life Folks

Dishes piled in the sink waiting to be washed.

Caesar who insists on being outside and getting as dirty as possible leading to...

muddy paw prints on the floor that needs to be vacuumed and then mopped.

More of Caesar's piles of stuff he has collected from around the yard and breezeway along with some weeds that need pulled.

Lasagna bubbling away in the small crockpot while I work my way down my large "to do" list.

Bread going in the bread maker (I love this appliance).

A few groceries waiting to be put away in the pantry.

One of the guest beds waiting to be made once...

all the laundry on the line is finished drying, being folded and put away.


  1. It's the good life, Debbie! The real life!
    It looks cozy and comforting...with traces of a home filled with love... :)

    1. Awww....thanks Lucie. Our home is definitely filled with love along with dirt, dog hair, dishes....;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dang if you don't just get it all done and it starts again.


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