Friday, February 16, 2024

Valentine's Day


My Valentine's day was filled with a rather painful follow up medical screenings at the hospital, followed by wonderful news, and an emergency visit to see Dr. Ellis, followed by the removal of a molar that I had broken badly. The staff at the hospital in Colfax were amazing, as was Dr. Ellis and staff at the Whitman Dental Clinic in Colfax. We also got to visit with Katie Ellis and her adorable little boy who looks just like his daddy (Dr. Ellis). We have known Katie since she was a little girl and we love her dearly! We also had a short but fun visit with our friend David Farmer. Jeff took me out to lunch between appointments and to do some thrift store shopping. We also got a phone call from Jeff's cousin Alan about Jeff's aunt and Jeff reached out to her. Thanks to Alan, we are now reunited with her and are so happy to have her in our lives once more.
God has a way of turning things around and removing obstacles. I am so very grateful for those HE has placed in our lives and for my very loving, calm and caring husband who is there for me and holds me when I am scared and prays with me. All in all, it turned out to be a very good day!


  1. I'm glad your medical appointments went well, Debbie. By the way, not sure if you meant to do it, but, you've linked the Facebook pages of your friend and Jeff's cousin.

    1. Oh my goodness...thank you Bless for letting me know about the links.

  2. Sounds like things went well - yes, God shows us the way.

  3. I'm thankful all worked out well. And what a blessing to reconnect with Jeff's aunt.

    BTW - must be something in the air. I popped of a crown a few weeks ago. Got in for a temporary within a few days and the appointment for a replacement is coming up. Grateful for medical and dental professionals. cheers, SJ now in California

    1. Wow, I can't believe you popped a crown. I had the option of getting of building up my tooth and then adding a crown, but decided to just have it pulled since my tooth had other damage to it also.

    2. me again -- I've had two teeth extractions in the last two years because neither was salvageable...And going into the appointment for this one._ I was mentally prepared for an extraction but he could save it. It popped out when I was flossing because part of the old crown had a big crack in it.
      yea. It's all about maintenance at this age --LOL
      SJ now in California

    3. I had to laugh at your comment about it all being about maintenance at this are so very right! ;)

  4. Glad your valentine day appts. turned out well ,hope you are feeling much better...enjoy your posts and sharing your knitting and such a great christian happy attitude..thank you for your blog .


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