Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Lots Going On...


      Well...Um...I know I say this a lot, but wow.  We have had so much going on and my head is just swimming at this point.  Sometimes I feel like I am just trying to tread water and keep my head above the waterline.  We have had some heart-breaking news in our family, and also a much prayed for reconnection with a relative that had been deeply hurt and cut out, as we have been, by some within the "other" side of our family.   This teeter totter of emotions has been exhausting.

   While all of this has been going on, we are also dealing with my car having issues.  My car is now in the shop.  Our new mechanic played t-ball with our boys all those years ago, which is making me feel very old.  My mother gleefully pointed out that yes, we are old.  She got a real kick out of being able to point that out. 😆  Yes, we have a very warped sense of humor is our family and I am glad that she got a good giggle out of the situation.

   Added to all of the above, we are still waiting for Social Security to approve Jeff's application.  He applied on January 3rd.  We were told that it should have been approved by now, but if it had not, to call the local office.  We have tried to talk to someone in the local office, but have been put on hold and waited for 1 1/2 hours yesterday and today, they can't even give us an estimate of how long we will be on hold and were told, via a computer, to call back another time.  UGH!

   So yes, things have been a bit crazy around here with all that is going on.  Some of it is good, and some not at all.  Hopefully we will have another answer to prayer relating to the heartbreaking news and things will turn around there.   I just wish we were living closer to that relative so I could help care for them.  





  1. It will come but it might be as long as 6 months. You will get back pay. Your frugal skills may be more than tested my friend.

    1. Oh my goodness! I hope it does not take 6 months. Our emergency fund has taken a huge hit with car repairs and will continue to due to transmission issues. My husband is so stressed right now and only got a few hours of sleep last night.

  2. Prayers going out to you and Jeff for these challenging times.

    As for Social Security - I gave up on the phone and went into the office. Easier for me to wait in line 30 minutes for the doors to open then to go later in the day. Our office in a small rural city had staff who were quite helpful - way better in my experience than over the phone. YMMV.

    Hugs, SJ now in California

    1. Thank you SJ. We did contact the local office over the phone and one of the people there is going to see what he can do on his end. He is going to let us know today if there is anything he can do to get it sped up over at the office that is handling our application.

  3. SS will get it done eventually and you will receive all backpay. Prayers for your family.

    1. Thank you for your prayers Cheryl. They are much appreciated.

  4. Just think of all that backpacking which is nice.

    1. We are going to need all the backpay to cover the cost of the car repairs.

  5. Prayers and good wishes to you and your nice family for all of it to work out , when all else fails sometime i pick up my knitting...God bless..always enjoy reading your blog.


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