Monday, January 20, 2020

Frugal Friday Wrap Up 1/11- 1/17 2020


   Well here I am posting late as usual.  I give up!  I try to get things done on Saturday to post this thread but I spent the majority of the weekend in bed.  One of those days I could not even be around anyone for the most part.  My sensory overload was working overtime and it was bad.  It was so bad in fact that I had showered on Friday morning and did not a shower again until today.  I just could not physically or mentally handle a shower...isn't that just sad (and gross)?  Last night I tried to sleep but was unable to get o sleep until 4:30 this morning.  My sleep habits have adjusted to Jeff's normal work week schedule at this point for the most part which means I am up all night and sleep during the mornings.  Hopefully that will change soon.  Onto the Frugal Doings...

~We got hit hard by another snowstorm so we stayed home except for the early morning work trip Jeff did between our Friday night and Saturday afternoon storm.
~One of our wonderful friends plowed our driveway for us.
~I made a pot of mac and cheese in the InstaPot.  It was delicious.
~We had leftovers for our other main meals.
~I used a service online to help redo a resume and cover letter.  As soon as they were done, printed off and downloaded, I cancelled our introductory trial so we would not be billed the regular rate with automatic renewal.

~Jeff got outside and took some really heavy snow off the hot tub enclosure.  The plexiglass roof was starting to bow.  He also unburied my car (it is the one he is driving now in this weather) and cleared the walkways before the next storm hit later in the evening.
~I mixed up some smoked ham with  fixings for a great ham salad.  YUM!
~Jeff pulled more of those sale priced rolls out of the freezer so that we could use them for sandwiches for him at work this week and also in case we lost power.
~With the snow, I did not want to venture out, so I renewed all my library materials online.
In the evening, I was craving something hot and sweet so I heated up some apple cider.  I have so many packets of the apple cider mix and they need to be used up.  It is nice to have them, hot cocoa mix and lots of teas on hand for this time of year.
~Going through my cookbooks again to get more inspiration for different soups, salads and sandwiches.
~I cooked up some prawn chips that I had in the pantry and I saved the oil to cook wontons in later in the week.

~More snow so I am staying put once again.  Thank goodness for leftover split pea soup since I am not moving well at all.
~I got in on a free sample at Pinch Me and also a free magazine subscription (which I will pass on to my DILs) through Mercury Magazines.

~Made 2 more loaves of homemade bread.
~While the oven was still hot, I baked up some spicy sweet potato rounds.
~Leftovers for dinner to help clean out the fridge before going grocery shopping.
~Looked through the pantry to see what I needed and what I already had.
~I watched some tsunami videos on YouTube.  Tsunamis have always fascinated me.  Maybe that has something to do with having grown up on an island in the middle of the Pacific  ocean.

~I went through my pantry and refilled my big food safe buckets with some of the multiple bags of rice that had been taking up way too much room on the shelves.
~I found ingredients that I had forgotten I had...bonus.
~Dinner was a pasta salad made with a Suddenly Salad mix that I added fresh veggies, cheese and pepperoni to.  Yum!
~For a snack I had some spicy sweet potato rounds that I had baked the day before.
~Jeff dug out a path to the garage on our back breezeway and also dug out a path all around my car and the driveway.  The snow was pretty deep and since we had high winds last night, it blew it all over the place.  It is now snowing again out there...this is going to be a ling winter.
~Jeff's paycheck was about $93 less than it normally is so we had to rework the budget again.  There were things we crossed off our list for picking up at the grocery store because Caesar needs a refill on his steroid medication for his Lupus and it is not cheap at all.   Thank goodness for a full pantry and freezers.
~My foaming hand wash in the kitchen was getting low so I mixed up some more and added it to the foaming pump container.  I have lots of regular liquid hand soap, but this makes it go further and Jeff and I really like it better.
~Jeff finished off the last of the split pea soup for his lunch.
~Knowing that tomorrow is going to be a busy day, I got the fajita meat and veggie mix cooked and ready to go.  I used some of the venison steaks for the meat.  This way I we will have something good to look forward to having for dinner and will not be tempted to eat out either before or after grocery shopping.

Friday (the no sleep edition):
~I did not sleep at all Thursday night into Friday morning and Jeff was keyed up when he came home from work.  We decided to get dressed and head into town to run errands and do some much needed grocery shopping.  The dog was almost out of his food and the cats were also getting low.  There were some things that we needed too.  We spent a little over $100 for pet foods (the huge bags), paper products (toilet paper, napkins and tissues) along with people food.
~We had the fajita meat and veggie mixture along with some saffron flavored rice for dinner... YUM!
~Jeff was able to do a phone interview while we were in town shopping.  The reception is better there than out here in the boonies.
~I watched some more frugal living type videos on YouTube.
~We received several free magazines and a coupon for a free product in the mail.

   This is a new week.  Last week we had snow galore and set new records.  It is now all melting off and we are in danger of flooding in the low laying areas.  On a more positive note, we are praying that we get some great news this week!  It is much needed. ;)


  1. Hi, Debbie!
    There's been a while, but I've been so busy that my own blog is a little bit abandoned!
    Even with your limitations, you and Jeff have been doing A LOT, so please don't be discoureged. I had commented on your last post, but I don't know if you've seen it, so I wanted to give you again this link from a blog of a woman that was diagnosed with MS and how she simplified her life. I read her blog sometimes and today I remembered of you, so I guess this was the Lord's way to tell me that maybe you should read it! ;D
    Here's the link:
    God bless you and your family and stay safe!

    1. Hi Paula! Thank you so much for the link. HOw is your book coming along? I'm sorry I have been so bad on commenting on things lately. I am so very glad to hear from you again my friend! Be blessed. :)

    2. The book is geting along slowly, but I'll get there! ;)
      God bless you and I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I am sorry you are having trouble sleeping, I just hate that. Your food looks so good. We got about 9 inches of snow last weeks in a couple of days, but it is all gone now. Typical for our area.

    1. Thank you. One of Jeff's coworkers drives up from Lewiston every day for work and he was telling us how bad the snow was down your way. I hope you enjoyed the snow while you had it. ;)

  3. You are definitely my kind of people in that you'll look after your animals and cut expenses other places.
    So, in my last comment I misspelled the name of my new medicine. It is Mestison. I'll blame it on brain fog! I had an amazing week on it last week but then crashed on Sunday. But the crash was not as bad and didn't last as long. I had my phone appointment with my specialist on Thursday and he renewed the prescription. And even told me about GoodRx dot com for a coupon. Turns out their coupons are more like loyalty cards and I can use that price going forward. There's no expiration date. So instead of $87 US/month, it will be $37.

    I'll be in CA another 10 days. Sorry to hear you're flaring. Take good care of yourself.
    Prayers for you both.
    SJ in Vancouver, BC

    1. Thanks my friend. The fur babies are family and every bit as important as people. I'll look up info on your new meds and I am glad that your phone appointment went well and you now have found a discount on medications. Every bit helps. Thank you for your prayers and know that you are in mine too!

  4. Wishing your hubby good luck. Take care of yourself, too.

    1. Thank you Sandy. :) I am trying. That new grandbaby of yours is just precious!


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