Tuesday, July 18, 2023

There is Always Something to Do Around Here


   I thank those of you who read my blog for being so patient with me.  Things have been super busy around here and it seems like there are not enough hours in the day for us to get everything done that we need to.  So today, I am making time to do an update on things that are going on in our world.

   Above you will see 2 pictures of a salad that I made for dinner one night and then the filet mignon that Jeff grilled and I served with mashed potatoes made from Yukon Gold potatoes harvested from our garden.  In addition to the Yukon Gold potatoes, we also harvested the first batch of Huckleberry Gold potatoes that we grew in our half whisky barrel.  That barrel was a wonderful place to grow the potatoes and we got a good yield from it.  We still have more of the Huckleberry Golds to harvest that were grown in a row on the ground near the whisky barrel.  We will see what kind of yield we get from that also.  I gave some of the Yukon Gold potatoes to our neighbor/hanai sister Shannon this morning and she was super excited about it.

   The raspberry bushes have been going gangbusters on us and I am picking gallons of berries off them.  I have also been getting a handful of blueberries off those bushes every few days.  The strawberries are at the end of their season here and did not do as well as I had hoped.  Jeff and I are going to put down a lot of compost and work it into the soil this Fall.  The rhubarb also struggled and we got nothing off it.

   We are still getting cherries off our tree, but those too are coming to the end of their season and to be honest, I am really glad they are. 😉  We have harvested and given away so many of them.  This year was a bumper crop year for cherries all over our part of the country.

   Oh yes, an update on the doctor's appointments for Jeff and I.  Let's start with Jeff.  He is going to have to do a follow up on the spot they saw on his kidney.  He will be having another more detailed CAT scan sometime soon.  We are still waiting to hear from the hospital on scheduling it since they only do it there once a month.  Now me...so it has now been discovered that I have some arthritis in my right hip as well as in my lower back (which is really a mess according to my doctor) and I have degenerative disc disease as well.  Oh joy...NOT!!!!  I am now taking Aleeve twice a day to help with that pain, in addition to all my other medications, and it seems to be helping.  It's funny how the Pregabalin does not touch that kind of pain, but helps with my Fibromyalgia pain.

   Back to the things we have been doing around here.  Jeff got the chest freezer all cleaned out and reorganized.  It was a big job, but we both are very happy to have it done.  Now he and I both know what is in there.  We still have to upright freezer to do, but that will have to wait until sometime in August since we are getting ready for our town wide yard sale at the end of this month.  Jeff did get the garage all cleaned out too and we have some of the yard sale things in one area ready to be set out in our driveway when the sale happens.

    I taught a class on frugal menu planning at the library last night.  I only had 2 people show up, but they were a lovely couple that are still fairly new to our area and did not know the places to get the best deals on things.  We had a wonderful time and are very like minded.  They both said that my interactive class was really good and that more people should take it.  They want me to do a follow up class the Fall. Since they were the only ones there, they got the door prizes and we so surprised that I would still not only give them a door prize, but give them all three.  I gave then a book by a local author that is loaded with all kinds of recipes, ideas for free places to go to and enjoy (many of them not well known) in our area, gardening and sewing ideas, etc.  It really is a beautiful book.  I also gave them the :More With Less" cookbook and some of my Tuscan Herb Salt that I make.

   Our weather has been either delightful or way too hot for me.  Luckily, up until now, it has cooled off enough at night for us to just run the vent on our swamp cooler to bring in the cooler night air as we sleep.  That is now ending and we have a heat dome coming upon us once more.  I try to do things early in the mornings since it heats up quickly in the afternoon and I have to retreat into the house and turn on the cooling part of the swamp cooler.  If it gets really hot, I will go over and get the extra air conditioner that Shannon has and she saves for me to use when needed.  That time may come by this weekend unfortunately.  Yes, I realize how very blessed I am to have such a wonderful friend who is so gracious with me.

   I'd better get going and try to get a few more things done before the heat gets to me.  I have my laundry on the line drying but still need to get out into the gardens and check and see how things are coming along.  Be blessed my friends, stay cool and stay safe.



  1. I'll just bet other readers are like me and just cherish reading here. No worries or pressures about when it happens - I'm just glad you keep doing your blog!!

    Well done to you and Jeff to take care of those medical appointments. I'm sorry you now have arthritis to deal with but it sounds like your new OTC is helping.

    We're having a cool day today at 107. Yikes!! It's that hot since we aren't cooling down at night right now either. But I've adapted and now am taking a nap in the early afternoons. I'm so glad your neighbor has an AC unit for you. I remember using a swamp cooler when I lived here in my 20s. It worked up to a point. Cheering you on from Cali.
    Hugs and prayers, SJ now in California

    1. You are so very sweet my dear friend!

      107 does not sound "cool" at all. YIKES! I'm doing the same thing as you by taking naps in the afternoon.

  2. Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with yet another medical condition, but, glad that the OTC pain meds are helping. Hope Jeff's scan gets scheduled soon and it all turns out to be nothing serious. In the meantime, well done on getting all the other things accomplished! You do so much on a regular, daily basis! You put me to shame!

    1. Jeff got his scan this morning. I am very glad they were able to get him approved so soon.

  3. Sounds like the garden is going gangbusters! That is such a blessing.
    Hope you both do well and nothing serious for Jeff.
    The class sounds nice.

    1. Thank you...I loved teaching the class and got some good feedback in that a few other people wanted to take the class but we unable to make it. We may do that follow up class in the Fall. :)

  4. Your class sounds wonderful! You were truly a blessing to that couple, and that counts for as much as a class of 20.
    I cannot believe how much you get done. You and Jeff are two very hardworking people!

    1. Awwww...thank you Sue. Jeff and I try to get as much done as possible and push ourselves way too far sometimes.

  5. Please don't take Aleve. Yes I know it works but the USA is the only country that sells it over the counter. I took it because it made my back pain go away. I now have stage 3 kidney disease and my nephrologist says it's from the Aleve .My brother passed away a few months ago with kidney cancer taking Aleve with me begging him not to do so. Please find some of other pain reliever and discuss this with your doctor. Best wishes for your pain relief.

    1. I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. (((((HUGS)))) I will definitely look into Aleeve. Do you have any suggestions on what else I could take?

  6. LOVE the idea of a frugal menu planning class!!!! Even if you only had 2, that's 2 who may approach their meals differently. And I thought it great that you gave them ALL the door prizes! Why not? They are the ones who came!!!

    1. :) I'm glad I gave all of the door prizes to them also.


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