Wednesday, September 28, 2016

ReDoing the Underwear Drawer

    Ok ladies, I want to talk to you about something that most of us don't tend to think of very often, especially if we are of a certain age where we are not all "rocking" the latest Victoria's Secret matching bra and panties sets. ;)  When was the last time you actually went through and sorted out "that drawer" in your dresser?  I could not sleep last night, so I decided to take on the challenge.

   I could not believe what all I found in there.  My grandmother's hand embroidered hankie that I carried when I got married was a delightful surprise but there were others that were not.  I sorted through and tossed out pairs that had seen better days, and also found some in there that I had never even worn since they had got shoved way to the back.  I have gone up a size so some of them fit and some, well...we won't go there. ;)  I also found some that were brand new in a style that I had bought by accident that does not fit well with my body type.  I had recently bought a bunch of new undies in my current size so those were nicely folded and put in the drawer along with the other new pairs that fit that I had found while sorting through everything.  There were only a few other pairs that I have had for awhile and that fit that were kept.

   Now that I have tackled that drawer, I am thinking the sock drawer is next.  I am one of those people that switches out their socks by the season.  I have my warmer weather socks and my cooler weather socks.  This past year, I have not worn many of my warmer weather socks since menopause has caused my internal thermostat to go into overdrive and if my feet get hot then I am miserable.  I have been a cute sandals kind of gal for the most part during the months that I can get away with it. ;)

Be blessed and go sort your socks, or undies, or shirts, or.....


  1. That's a good thing to do when you can't sleep! I threw out all my shapewear a while back. Just not going to worry if I jiggle anymore. Never liked how it reshaped me anyhow.


    1. LOL Jane....I love your comment! The other day I bought a comfy soft and stretchy bra with no underwires to hold up the rather large "ladies" and I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

  2. Good job, Debbie! :D One of those tasks that never seems to make it to the top of the to-do list!

    1. Hi Jean. :) You should have seen my slips and pantyhose drawer....some of those things were from my high school days, and the swiss dot blue pantyhose were from a wedding I was in before I even got married. Why on earth did I still have that stuff? LOL!

  3. Hi Debbie,
    Too Funny ... Whenever I notice my unmentionables getting overly worn, I usually head off to the "granny" section and purchase 10 new pairs. After washing the new pairs, I toss the old 10 pairs and put the crisp, new pairs into my drawer.
    I've always lived in older homes that have very limited closet space. Consequently, I am pretty consistent about tossing, or donating, any old clothing; which prevents a bunch of clothing I no longer wear taking up coveted closet and dresser space ... Now, if I could just teach Mr.B and littles how to consistently do this ...


    1. Hi Mrs. B. :) I need to enforce that rule with myself here also. When something new comes in, something old goes out. Except for purses and can never have too many of those right? LOL!

  4. I went through and decluttered the socks and undies, earlier this year, when I did my marathon decluttering session. What I do need are new bras, but I am waiting until things have healed a bit more before I do.

    1. Bless, do you know about the programs where you get 2 free bras per year if you are a breast cancer survivor? My MIL told me about the program after she had her surgery.

    2. Debbie, no, I have no idea! Do you know how I might find out more?

    3. Call your local hospital or ask your surgeon's office about it. I can't remember if the program is through the American Cancer Society or the Susan G Komen group. :)

    4. Call your local hospital or ask your surgeon's office about it. I can't remember if the program is through the American Cancer Society or the Susan G Komen group. :)

  5. I find that sorting drawers is really a soothing past time. I can spend time reminiscing (hankie) or I can be ruthless (old or wrong size undies). I learned when I was having panic attacks to take on a mindless chore like sweeping or organizing drawers, takes your brain out of worry mode and sometimes when you finish you are (almost) back to normal.

    1. Barbara, I do tasks like that to help with my panic attacks also. :)


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